Our infants are cared for at a ratio of one to four.

Our caring and fully trained teachers, offer a comfortable and loving atmosphere to our babies. The infant environment has a home like feel with soothing colors and soft floor mats. Our babies will be presented opportunities to learn through plenty of reading, singing, and sign language; further supported by encouraging verbal explanations by the caregivers. Our infants are presented with materials and activities that awaken, develop and refine the senses.

The infants in our program spend time outdoors each day to enrich their development.

It is a key component in our program for the child to experience the sights and sounds of the outdoor environment. The infants are encouraged to listen to the sounds of nature and to participate in other stimulating sensorial activities while enjoying the outdoors.

We recognize that close communication with our parents is essential to providing infants with the best possible care and support.

Upon enrollment, we will obtain a detailed information regarding sleeping preferences and eating habits of the child. Parent teacher conferences will be scheduled twice a year.

In addition to receiving a daily report on the events of the child’s day, teachers are available for an informal chat at drop off or pick up.



Committed to educating and nurturing all students so they may grow towards responsible global citizenship.